Forever After Book Cookies - Ting and Things

Forever After Book Cookies

April 26, 2014

I was delighted to take part in making some cookies for a bachelorette party held at Ben Mcnally Books store recently. The entire party was based on the notion that the bride-to-be loves reading books on her leisure time. So I made the cookies around the theme as party favours. The design was an open book with the initials of the couple and a story telling-esque phrase "forever after". The sugar cookie acts as the binding of a book, whereas the white fondant on top resembles the pages (duh). Originally, I wanted the cookie to read, "happily ever after" as how classic fairy tale stories usually puts it, but the words are too long to fit nicely in one line across the two pages so I had to settle for a shortened version. Still works, I think.

{I made my own stencil for  the couple's initials }

{Don't they look like pieces of gum?}
Half way through the process, I almost wanted to shoot myself in the head for thinking of the idea of stencilling calligraphy with icing. I've done it before with graphic on cupcakes (see post here), thought lettering would work the same way. Little did I know that the letters especially when done in calligraphy are far trickier to work with than they look. I had to make tweaks at the ends and thicken the strokes a few times (thank goodness for my Illustrator skills) before I landed on a satisfying stencil that works well with the icing.

Although, the cookies took longer and way more effort than I thought but I was really happy with the final results. I'm glad the bride did too.

Happy baking!

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  1. What a cute cookies! ♥♡♥
    Hey, i've nomimated you in Liebster Award, check it on my blog



  2. so talented !!! love those cookies


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Hello, I'm Lorita. Hoping to inspire you to explore and create things that make life a bit more fun and beautiful.
